From the Plain Dealer
Savoring that championship moment
by Tim Warsinskey/Plain Dealer Reporter
Aurora assistant football coach Brian Wervey.
It always amazes me how quickly a stadium empties once a state championship trophy has been handed over to its new owner. If it was me on the winning side, I’d want to stay all day, or all night, just to make the moment last longer. Once you exit the stadium, it’s just a memory.
Maybe that’s why Aurora defensive coordinator Brian Wervey was the last to leave the field more
Tags: aurora football, wervey
Thanks for commenting on the Band!
We tend to take ‘things’ for granite, and the Band is a very important piece of our school curriculum. As I sat during halftime at the Championship Game and watched our Band – I felt really proud to see our kids out there not only representing a tremendous community, but more importantly achieving one of the most glorious feats that they could possibly ever experience in a lifetime, and that is being a part of a State Champion Caliper Football Team!
KUDOS to Mr.Perez, and his wonderful, well talented students!!!!