olive on January 9th, 2007
Council has tabled the ordinance for additional study by the Safety Department and Committee. There are several alternatives that they will be considering including spliting the street into two speed limits and/or lowering the hill at the southern Walden intersection to improve lines of sight. No residents attended the council meeting to express support or opposition.
olive on January 9th, 2007

There is debate at the council meetings about the fate of the “Chesney” house. You can find more information obout that building here. But did you know that the city owns several other houses and buildings? There is the former Ray Harmon farmhouse and barns on Bartlett Road, these buildings are Read the rest of this entry »

olive on January 4th, 2007

I guess they will try to pick a date with good weather.  Read all about it here

olive on December 29th, 2006

Was this really worthy of front page news in the Plain Dealer?  On December 26, these Barringtonites were featured on the front page. Money doesn’t buy happiness. Read the whole story here, inquiring minds want to know.

olive on December 22nd, 2006

By August or September 2007 a new master plan should be finalized. Watch for public opinion opportunities. This plan will determine a number of city improvements and developments. According to Mayor McGill, one of the most important issues is aligning the master pan with the current zoning maps. This very important project is staffed by residents George Balog, Shelia Evans, Bill Liston, Joe Lykins, Maureen McKenzie, Jane Pennock, Ann Schoff, Gordon Ober, Rita Scott and Plannign Director Rich Wehrenberg.

olive on December 20th, 2006

The next council meeting, January 4th, should decide the speed limit on Bissell Rd. Councilman Rausch indicated that the residents of Hawthorne felt inconvenienced by the posted speed of 25 mph, and got the ball rolling to raise the limit, so they could legally go 35 mph with out their kids looking over their shoulders. Somebody got ODOT involved. It seems that if a road has state highways on either end the speed limit should be 35mph. Councilman Hettinger who lives on the road said it would be rediculous to change the speed limit. Discussion ensued with Andre Buehler of Walden saying that the speed limit between W. Pioneer and Aurora-Hudson Rds. should remain 25 due to hilly conditions and safety concerns at the Walden intersections. Well see what happens, first the road ogt improved and widened a bit now this issue.

olive on December 15th, 2006

Topics: Townline Road, McMaster-Carr, Income Tax Revenue, Treat Road property sale, Geauga Lake Storm Sewer Phase III, Save Sunny Lake Committee

Townline Road
The Administration has met on two occasions with Mantua Township Trustees on the paving of Townline Road. On December 7, 2006, the Mantua Township Trustees convened and made a formal motion to jointly apply with Aurora for the Issue II project for the milling and paving of Townline Road which lies in both communities. The Township agrees to pay Read the rest of this entry »

olive on December 4th, 2006
The big items on the agenda are- possible discussion regarding increasing the speed limits on Bissell Road and Townline Road to 35 mph, and an appeal from Realty One to council to reverse the ABR’s decision to deny a window canopy/sign. Discussion will also continue to determine the fate of the house on city property known as the Chesnes house. Should the house be torn down or be used?

Read the rest of this entry »

olive on November 29th, 2006

As we stood in the stands after losing the game to Steubenville, my child remarked that the Big Red fans don’t even seem to care. It was true, more than half of their fans were gone by the end of the game and those remaining seemed rather indifferent.

However on the Aurora side of the field, the players showed their appreciation to the fans, as the fans stood and cheered. We cheered the band, we cheered the cheerleaders, we cheered the coaches and players. They had been there through some lousy weather and through the whole season. We appreciated their efforts.
The whole town seemed to be there at the game. Well at least several thousand. Lots of families, teens, lots of empty nesters. Read the rest of this entry »

olive on November 20th, 2006

Here’s the original post from saturday

Got comments? click the comments link. Click the pics for bigger ones. Send your pictures too.

Next we beat Steubenville. Here’s info about them www.rollredroll.com they only have a a 28 game winning streak, are the defending state champions, and have a 52-2 record over the past four years. They should be overconfident and ready to lose.
dsc01817.JPGdsc01820.JPGdsc018211.JPGdsc018221.JPG Read the rest of this entry »

olive on November 16th, 2006

World War II Program receives rave reviews
p1010821.JPG The Aurora Historical Society and the Aurora Memorial Library hosted a World War II program Thursday afternoon, Nov. 9th in honor of military Veterans. The program began with an introduction, by historical society Director Dr. Marcelle Wilson, to the various activities that Americans did on the home front to contribute to the war effort. Read the rest of this entry »

olive on November 16th, 2006

The Plain Dealer has picked Aurora to win! And they had this too.
A link to the story

olive on November 13th, 2006

Thanks for the donation of these flags by a civic-minded local veteran.

The cemetery looks great on the special occasion when they fly!

olive on November 13th, 2006

Thanks to the labors of local Boy Scout troop 269 and Ian Cassidy the Molnar Sancuary on Page Rd is easier to visit. The sancuary is located on Page Rd between E. Pioneer and E. Mennonite. You can park at Sunny Lake and walk to the trailhead or park just past the trailhead on the east side of the road.

agreenman on November 7th, 2006

So is the football team good enought to beat Walsh?

olive on August 18th, 2006

click the comment for names phone numbers and emails

olive on August 15th, 2006

The boat house area is disgusting!

agreenman on July 16th, 2006
olive on May 23rd, 2006

Here is a repost of a December post. Since construction is ongoing at this time this will refresh your memory.

City Council approved spending $98,664 on the skatepark. Depsite concerns for the safety of kids using the facility, construction will begin soon. Aurora skatepark designResident Wally Sweitz from Chatham delivered a packet of safety information to council but he was a little late to the party. This issue has been discussed for over a year and was approved by the Parks and Rcreation Committee. Regulations for use of the facility will be forthcoming, but if other skateparks are any indication, there will be rules posted but they will not be enforced nor will the facility be supervised. It seems that the location near the Fire Station will ensure that the users will not vanalize or deface the property.

Aurora Kiwanis/Moore Center parkWe’ve included the site plans for the entire park area. [If you click on the thumbnail you ‘ll get a larger image].You’ll see the skatepark location just past deep center field of the main ball diamond. Most of these improvements are in the planning stages. Here’s a chance to voice you opinion.

agreenman on January 3rd, 2006

A new library may be in the future for Aurora, along with higher taxes. Is it worth it to you?

agreenman on January 3rd, 2006
olive on December 7th, 2005

Whatever happened to this project? We paid for the study, where’s the plan?

agreenman on May 19th, 2005

Or is it Relay for Wife’s

Why do you participate? Is it social? Or is it to raise money?

olive on May 18th, 2005

check out the programs at this great project

The are currently raising funds to rennovate the building and they need your financial support.
So contribute today! and contact them to see how you can help.

agreenman on May 6th, 2005

TV news reports call it a “playground for perverts”
I always suspected that was what was going on. Good job Aurora police.
Who were the lucky officers to get that duty ; ) (Not that there’s anything wrong with that)