The Aurora Historical Society is excited to announce that it has two of its exhibits of World War II:  Hard Work and Great Sacrifice on display at local businesses.  WWII posters and timeline can be seen at the Aurora Farms Outlet.  This will be up until the end of March or April.  The second exhibit is in the lobby of the Home Savings Bank.  It features the posters as well as information regarding rationing, soldiers, and other war facts.  This exhibit will end February 28th.  The historical society’s WWII display in the museum is available until May.  In June, it will be changed to focus on other WWII artifacts from the historical society and its members.  This will coincide with the Western Reserve Historical Society’s focus on the war and its affects in Cleveland and a PBS documentary on the war, both slated to open in the fall.  The historical society continues to collect local residents’ memories of WWII through its oral history program and gladly will interview anyone interested in the project.  Everyone’s experiences, from children who participated in rationing or metal collections, to housewives and women war workers to soldiers, sailors, and marines, are welcome.  The AHS wants to create a well rounded description of how the war affected Americans on the home front as well as those who served overseas.  If you would like to donate or loan items for this upcoming exhibition, the community collector’s exhibit, or other artifacts relating to Aurora, please contact Marcelle Wilson at 330-995-3336 or email her at  The museum is currently open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-4 pm and by appointment during the week and on week nights and weekends.